Online Enrollment Access
New Student Enrollment: Account Request
This form is the first step to enrolling your new student online. Complete it to request an account that you will use to log in to a secure Online Enrollment system.
Welcome to the Dayton Independent School District!
This process is used to submit a NEW student record to the district. It is not intended for students who have already attended the district in the past. If you have students currently enrolled in Dayton ISD, please access the New Student Registration through your Skyward Family Access In the event that the student has attended Dayton ISD previously, please access using your Family Access account. If you no longer recall your access info, please contact your student's campus for assistance. Este proceso se utiliza para enviar un expediente estudiantil NUEVO al distrito. No está destinado a estudiantes que ya hayan asistido al distrito en el pasado. Si tiene estudiantes actualmente inscritos en Dayton ISD, acceda al Registro de nuevos estudiantes a través de Skyward Family Access. En caso de que el estudiante haya asistido a Dayton ISD anteriormente, acceda utilizando su cuenta Family Access. Si ya no recuerda su información de acceso, comuníquese con el campus de su estudiante para obtener ayuda.
Child Nutrition Letter to Household/Carta de nutrición infantil al hogar:
Complete the Application/Carta de nutrición infantil al hogar 
ElementarySchool ZoneSearch/Búsqueda de zona de escula primaria:
Transportation Department Guildelines/Normas del Departamento de Transporte:
                             **Please complete the required fields below to request an account to then enroll your student(s).**
                              **Complete los campos obligatorios a continuación para solicitar una cuenta y luego inscribir a su(s) estudiante(s).**
Enter the name of the legal parent/guardian of the student you want to enroll
Guardian contact information
    Complete the security dialog
    Asterisk (*) denotes a required field