This form is the first step to enrolling your new student online. Complete it to request an account that you will use to log in to a secure system. |
GCS has implemented a new enrollment opportunity for your child through our New Student Online Enrollment portal. You will not be able to use this link to complete the forms with a cell phone or through the App. School of Choice students outside of the Clare-Gladwin RESD districts of Beaverton, Clare, Harrison, and Farwell will have a window of time to enroll. By state law we cannot accept students outside of the Clare-Gladwin RESD outside of that window. Complete required fields and custom forms to request an account to enroll your students. If you have any questions please call the main office of the building you are enrolling in. You can find that information at According to the State Attorney General Opinion No. 5925, school districts have the right to ask new enrollees to prove residency. By submitting the application, you are affirming that the address given on all enrollment forms is the legal residence of the parent/guardian enrolling the student and is the residence of the student. Once A Flying G, Always A Flying G! |