New Student Enrollment
Account Request
This form is the first step to enrolling your new student online. Complete it to request an account that you will use to log in to a secure system.
Welcome to Kohler Schools! 
Please complete the required fields below to request a Skyward Family Access account.  Once completed and reviewed by the registrar, you will receive an email to proceed with the application for New Student Registration. The 2024-2025 Online Registration will be open July 23rd – August 6th.  
You may proceed with this form if you:
  • Reside in the Kohler School District attendance area.
  • Your student has already been accepted under Open Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year.
*Families that do not reside in the Kohler School District attendance area OR have not already been accepted under Open Enrollment should stop this application.
To apply for open enrollment through the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, follow this link: https://dpi.wi.gov/open-enrollment
    Prior to starting this application, be prepared to upload one or more of the following documents (accepted formats include .jpg, .pdf): 
    Proof of Residency (e.g. current utility bill or tax bill, rental agreement, accepted home offer)
    Immunization Records
    - Transcripts (optional)
    -  Birth Certificate(s) Please bring a certified copy of your student’s birth certificate to the office so the verification paperwork can be completed.
    *Applications will not be processed without these required forms.
    Completed applications do not guarantee acceptance for enrollment. Once the application has been processed, a notification via email of acceptance or denial will be sent.
    If you would like to access transportation to and from school, contact your school office to determine eligibility.
    *While completing this application, PLEASE SAVE AND SAVE OFTEN. The system will time out after 15 minutes of inactivity, and any unsaved information will be lost.
    Enter the name of the legal parent/guardian of the student you want to enroll
    Guardian contact information
    Asterisk (*) denotes a required field